Constance Hotels Blog

Travelling stylish and light (even with the children)

Family Holiday
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Remember those pre-kids days when your capsule-wardrobe fitted in a carry-on? Family holidays may come with more luggage but it’s still possible to travel light.

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Here’s our guide to keeping the clutter down, packing light and still looking stylish at the other end.

Check out what’s provided by your hotel

The reality is that babies and toddlers can require a lot of paraphernalia but there’s no point packing stuff only to discover the hotel or resort already provide it. At Constance the online concierge service allows you to see what’s available (everything from bathtubs and bath toys to sterilisers and baby cots) and to request it before you arrive.

Have your extra luggage sent out in advance

If you want your own baby/toddler items on holiday but don’t want to lug them on and off the plane then you may want to think about using a baggage delivery company. The company will pick up your luggage from home and ensure it arrives at your chosen destination before you do. Perfect for bulky items like travel cots and buggies.

Check-in early

Checking-in online prevents restless kids waiting in queues at the airport as you will usually be fast tracked and can simply hand over your luggage when you arrive. It also allows you to choose your seat, a window seat away from action in the aisles can be the difference between your little one sleeping for a few hours or staying awake for the entire flight.

Make use of private departure lounges

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Whether you’re a member of a frequent flier club or not it can often be possible to buy a day pass to use the facilities which can be a great option if you’re travelling with young children. Compared to sitting in a crowded departure lounge the free snacks, bathrooms and TVs can make your travel experience much more calm and leisurely.

Don’t be tempted to skimp on kids’ packs

There are lots of areas where you can cut back what you pack but don’t make your kids travel pack one of them. For those who don’t know, the travel pack is a bag of goodies (everything from colouring books, magazines, small toys and computer games – depending what your child is into). The travel pack should be full of new wonders the child can investigate and not given to them until they are seated on the plane.

A tablet is a world of entertainment in one device

Nobody wants their children glued to a tablet but there will be plenty of opportunity to restrict screen time once you arrive at your destination. Load a tablet up with favourite movies, TV programs, books and apps and it will be a source of entertainment throughout even the longest flight. Never rely solely on the airline’s inflight entertainment or you might find faulty headphones or glitches leave you playing I-spy for 8 hours!

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Pashminas and scarfs all round

There is no more useful/stylish accessory on a long-haul flight than a cashmere scarf or pashmina. Blanket, comforter, make-shift screen to block out the light, its uses are endless, then loop it around your neck as you disembark and look fabulous at the airport. Depending on your kid’s age (and gender) you can lighten your hand luggage by encouraging them to wear their own.

Keep the whole family feeling fresh in-flight

Pass on any tricks you may have picked up over the years for keeping hydrated and refreshed during a long flight. You’re never too young to think about drinking plenty of water, moisturising regularly and taking regular exercise breaks and it will make all the difference when the entire family disembarks looking fresh and happy at the other end.

Book everything you need for your little ones including babysitting services before you arrive at Constance Belle Mare Plage with our online concierge service.

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