Constance Hotels Blog

How To Switch Off And Unwind During Your Island Paradise Getaway

Reading Time: 4 minutes

During your island paradise getaway, it’s important to relax, unwind and switch off…

Often with the busyness of everyday life, you can forget to take time out for yourself and truly feel at ease.

Get lost in a book and turn your phone off, get ready to find out how you can feel fully relaxed.

Image credit: @catchagypse

Detox From Technology

An important way to entirely switch off is to turn off your phone, out of sight out of mind.

The average person checks their phone once every 12 minutes, therefore it’s highly beneficial to use this time away to remove your mind from your phone.

Even if that means leaving your phone in your room and heading out for the day, it’s important to take time to enjoy the present moment without any distractions.

By taking a digital detox during your time away is an opportunity to reduce stress levels and focus more on what is going on around you, including interacting and making memories with your loved ones. 

The Perfect Time To Spend On Holiday

What is the perfect length of time to spend on holiday so you can fully relax?

Researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, set out to explore the effects of holiday length on health and wellbeing, and its relationship to positive after-effects.

The conclusion was that the perfect length is longer than eight days which is just the right amount of time to fully immerse yourself on your holiday in the Indian Ocean.

Often the first couple of days are when you are getting used to your new surroundings and getting a feel for the resort, then after you start to settle in and truly switch off and unwind…

Don’t Set An Alarm

An important thing you need to do as soon as you arrive in paradise is to turn your alarms off.

Alarms can often disrupt your sleep, meaning that you feel tired and sleepy for the first few hours of being awake. Letting your body rest and wake up naturally will mean you will feel more awake and at ease.

However, an exception to this is if it is for a sunrise cruise or early fishing trip, you don’t want to miss out on those unforgettable experiences.

Enjoy Your Breakfast 

It is so important when you are on holiday to take your time enjoying your morning breakfast, savour every flavour and take in the beautiful setting surrounding you.

Whether you are indulging in a delicious buffet, a floating one in your pool or on the Dhoni, enjoy it with a sense of calmness and tranquillity.

Let your body wake up and take in the nutrition to transition yourself into the new day.

Get Outside And Move

An important way to switch off is by getting outside in the fresh air and moving your body.

Constance Hotels & Resorts is the perfect place to try new adrenaline-filled activities you may never have done before, from ziplining at Constance Ephelia Seychelles to diving at Constance Belle Mare Plage.

There are many benefits from moving your body, these include:

Get ready to get your body moving and release those positive endorphins instantly and Constance Hotels & Resorts.

Commit To Spending Quality Family Time

The perfect time to spend quality time with your family is when you are on holiday.

There are limited distractions of everyday life getting in the way and being abroad provides you with the opportunity to make new memories that last a lifetime.

Your holiday in paradise will bring you and your family closer and ensure you focus on the present moment rather than getting distracted by everyday life.

You will start building that strong family bond and have experiences to look back on for years to come.

Immerse Yourself In Reading

Reading can often go amiss when life gets in the way but holidays are the perfect time to get lost in a book.

There are many benefits in reading, these include:

Sit back, relax and read a book in real life paradise today…

Enjoy Your Surroundings 

When you are somewhere new, make sure to take a few moments in silence to take in the breathtaking landscape that meets your gaze.

Removing external distractions and taking in the tranquil view will help you to feel present and composed.

Moreover, by taking in your surroundings you will have clearer memories about the small details, from the sound of the birds singing to the range of exotic wildlife you are not usually familiar with seeing.

How do you switch off and unwind during your island paradise getaway?

Tell us in the comments below.

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