Constance Hotels Blog

10 foods for gorgeous, healthy skin

Constance Ephélia, Seychelles
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Whether you want radiant skin on holiday or to prolong the glow when you get home here are 10 foods to give skin a boost.

Enjoying healthy skin

1. Seafood

Omega-3 found in oily fish such as salmon, trevally, fresh tuna and trout can help reduce dryness and inflammation in skin leaving it supple and soft. Salmon, tuna and oysters also contain selenium, which can help protect skin from cell damage while shellfish are also high in zinc which aids in cell renewal.

2. Eggs

Eggs really are a super food for skin from the amino acids, which help to generate new proteins such as collagen and elastin in your skin cells to their rich vitamin A content which helps promote new skin cell development.

3. Tinned tomatoes

It may sound odd when we know that on the whole fresh food contains more valuable nutrients than tinned but the precious anti-aging nutrient lycopene contained in a tomato becomes more easily absorbed if it has been heated or processed. It is the combination of lycopene and vitamin C, two nutrients, which stimulate collagen production, which makes the humble tinned tomato the perfect food for smoothing and firming skin.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries’ high antioxidant activity and phytochemicals help neutralize the body’s free radicals, which prevent them from damaging skin cells. They are also high in vitamins A and C which both promote healthy skin cell rejuvenation.

5. Carrots

The beta-carotene in carrots (as well as other orange-red vegetables like sweet potatoes) is converted by the body into the skin-loving vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin cells and prevents premature aging.

Give your skin a natural boost

6. Spinach

Leafy greens such as spinach are rich in vitamin A, which promotes skin health and reduces dryness.

7. Yogurt

Another skin super food yogurt is rich in zinc, which tightens tissue and cell reproduction, lactic acid which smoothens wrinkles, calcium for skin renewal and antioxidants and B-vitamins for glowing, radiant-looking skin.

8. Nuts

It is the high antioxidant activity in nuts, which make them a great food for good skin. Nuts are high in vitamin E, which combats skin-aging free radicals and can even protect from some sun damage. Walnuts, almonds and pistachios are also high in omega-3, which can help skin hydrate and reduce inflammation.

9. Dark chocolate

While you may have spent your teen years avoiding chocolate to prevent acne research now suggests that the flavonols in dark chocolate help protect against UV damage, fight free radicals and reduce collagen breakdown. Good news for chocolate fans.

10. Honey

Honey is a natural humectant, which means it attracts and locks in moisture so a squirt of honey in the bath will leave skin feeling soft and moisturised. Well we didn’t say you had to eat them all!

Find out about the gastronomy experience at Constance.

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