Constance Hotels Blog

Thai massage at Constance Hotels

Spa de Constance at Constance Hotels Experience

Spa de Constance at Constance Hotels Experience

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our spa trainer at Constance Le Prince Maurice, Ajay Kishtoo, shares his knowledge of Thai massage and what you can expect from a treatment at Constance Hotels.

Thai massage, also known as yoga massage, consists of deep massage and stretching movements.

Spa at Constance Le Prince Maurice

The therapist uses his hands, elbows, knees, feet and entire legs to move the client into a series of yoga stretches. No oils are used in Thai massage. The client wears comfortable clothes, and the massage is performed on the floor on padded mats. Getting Thai massage may feel like doing yoga without having to exert yourself.

History of Thai massage

Thai massage, like traditional Thai medicine, has been influenced by Indian and Chinese traditions of medicine. In Thai, it is called nuad boram, which means ‘ancient massage.”Thai massage has been a medical specialty for over 2500 years, since the time of the Buddha. To this day, there are a lot of variations of Thai massage from different regions inThailand.

What happens during a Thai massage?

Thai massage is performed solo or in a group. You will change into comfortable, loose clothes provided by the massage therapist and lie down on a firm mat on the floor. The therapist will push, pull and stretch you into many different positions during the massage. Many stretches and movements are similar to traditional Western sports massage, to lengthen your muscles and release compromised joints.

Relaxation at Spa de Constance

The massage therapist leans on your body, using her hands and elbows, and applies firm and rhythmic pressure. The therapist follows the ‘sen’ lines, comparable to meridians in traditional Chinese medicine or nadis in Indian medicine.

The therapist walks on you using her feet and heels. The therapist also uses her legs and feet to fix your body and limbs in necessary positions while you are being stretched. A full massage typically lasts 2 hours or more. It consists of rhythmic pressing, pushing, pulling and stretching of your entire body including fingers, toes and ears. The massage follows a standard sequence.

Benefits of Thai Massage

Thai massage stretches your muscles, releases tight joints and increases range of motion. It improves circulation and reduces stress. You will feel relaxed, centred and energised.


You should not receive Thai massage without first consulting a doctor if any of the following apply:


Arrive at least 15 minutes early so you can relax and fill out necessary forms in peace. Let your massage therapist know your complete health history and any health conditions that need special consideration. Don’t eat a big meal right before the massage. If you feel pain or discomfort during the massage, let your therapist know immediately so they can adjust their treatment. After the massage, drink a lot of water.

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