Constance Hotels Blog

5 nutrition tips for boosting your energy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When energy levels slump it’s tempting to reach for coffee or sugar to give yourself a quick pick-me-up. But adopting good nutritional habits will give your energy levels a natural boost, and increase your wellbeing in the longer term.

Boost your wellness at Constance

1. Make sure what you eat is packed with nutrients

We need nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal energy metabolism and to allow every cell in our bodies to release their full energy potential. If our food is low in nutrients we feel tired and lacking energy. The best way to ensure a nutrient rich diet is to eat a variety of healthy whole foods, beneficial omega fats, soluble fibres and healthy proteins every day. Make sure everything you eat is offering your body some kind of nutritional benefit and avoid ‘empty’ calories. Kick start your healthy eating lifestyle at Constance where our ‘Wellness Cuisine’ dishes featured on all menus include fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood all prepared in ways that retain the nutrients of each ingredient.

2. Remember protein

Protein is a major building block that our bodies need to stay healthy and active so that, in itself, keeps our energy levels up. It is also important in preventing big fluctuations in our blood glucose levels which can lead to energy slumps. Fresh seafood and lean meat are both good sources of protein as are dairy products, eggs, soya, nuts, beans, pulses, quinoa, seitan and tempeh.

3. Omega-3s focus the mind

High levels of omega-3 fatty acids in our diet have been proved to affect mood, memory and thinking helping us to feel energised and alert throughout the day. Our bodies do not create omega-3 so it is essential to make it part of our diet. Try to eat at least one form of omega-3s a day in foods such as edamame (green soybeans), wild rice, walnuts, canola oil, winter squashes, flax, beans and seafood.

USpa at Constance Le Prince Maurice

4. Stick to complex carbohydrates

The body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar to burn as fuel for our body and brain making them essential energy foods but there’s a big difference between ‘bad’ (simple) carbohydrates and ‘good’ (complex) carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, some fruits and vegetables nuts, seeds, legumes and low fat dairy products are broken down slowly by the body supplying a steady supply of sugar into the bloodstream which it can then burn gradually to give us stable energy levels. Simple carbohydrates such as refined sugar and flour, on the other hand, are broken down quickly giving us a rapid energy spike or ‘sugar rush’ followed by an energy crash. The side effect of this rapid release of sugar is that the body can’t use it all at once and so stores it as fat.

5. Look for foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are the body’s little helpers searching out and destroying potentially damaging oxidizing agents in our system which over time can cause damage, make us tired and eventually, potentially, ill. Antioxidants are nutrients found in vitamins, minerals and proteins in foods such as colourful juicy fruits like dark grapes and berries, leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli and spinach, legumes, beans and artichoke.

At Constance we have launched the new U Spa experience, incorporating an holistic approach to our guests’ needs to create a wellbeing program specifically tailored to meet your needs, preferences and goals. U Spa includes a range of treatments, fitness activities and nutrition. Read more about U Spa at Constance.

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